

作者:张荣贤 来源:世界针灸杂志 点击:28302次 更新:2022-07-01

Thirty two cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus of qi and yin deficiency treated with laser acupuncture


Rong-xian ZHANG (张荣贤)a, Hong LI (李红)b, Jia-wei XIONG (熊嘉玮)a*, Yong-qu JIANG (蒋永取)c, Yu-tang LI (李玉堂)a, Jian-bin ZHANG (张建斌)a

a Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Second Chinese Medicine Hospital of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210017, China (南京中医药大学第二附属医院,江苏省第二中医院,南京210017, 中国)

b Nanjing Zhenhongtong Industry & Trade Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210000, China (南京桢宏通工贸有限公司,南京210000, 中国)

Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China (南京中医药大学,南京210023, 中国)


Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of laser acupuncture on type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) of qi and yin deficiency type.

Methods: Laser acupuncture was used to treat 32 patients of T2DM. Acupoint selection: Fèishū (肺俞BL13), Píshū  (脾俞BL20), Shènshū (肾俞BL23), Wǎnxiàshū (胃脘下俞EX-B3), Sānyīnjiāo (三阴交SP6) and Zúsānlĭ 足三里(ST36). It took 20 min in each treatment, five treatments a week. There were 2 days of interval in 2 weeks of treatment. Before and after treatment, the changes in fasting plasma glucose (FPG), postprandial 2-hour glucose (2hPG), fasting insulin (FINS), glycosylated albumin (GA), insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) and the symptom score of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) were observed in the patients. The therapeutic effect was evaluated.

Results: Of 32 cases, 8 cases were remarkably effective, 18 cases effective and 6 cases failed. The total effective rate was 81.3%. At the end of treatment course, the level of every indicator after treatment was significantly lower than that before treatment (all P < 0.01).

Conclusion: Laser acupuncture achieves the significant therapeutic effect on T2DM of qi and yin deficiency and this therapy deserves to be promoted in clinical application.


Laser acupuncture

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

Qi and yin deficiency





