

作者:孙梦晓 来源:本站原创 点击:1833次 更新:2018-12-19

宋虎杰    西安中医脑病医院



Study on the treatment of normal pressure hydrocephalus

Song Hujie    Xi'an TCM Hospital of Encephalopathy 

Abstract: This paper introduces the diagnosis and treatment of hydrocephalus from three aspects: literature research, clinical research and basic research. The literature research shows the incidence and risk factors of hydrocephalus in perinatal children in some countries, regions and populations at home and abroad, surgical treatment and non-surgical treatment, history of TCM research on hydrocephalus, recent diagnosis and treatment of TCM and treatment by prescription. Clinical studies shows that the trinity TCM comprehensive program can significantly improve the psychomotor function and intelligence level of children with normal-pressure hydrocephalus, and the clinical application is safe. In the basic research, it points out that the pharmacodynamic study of Naokangling capsule proved that it can achieve the effect of promoting blood circulation, clearing the collaterals, diminishing water and swelling, and tonifying the kidney and strengthening the brain.

Keywords: hydrocephalus; literature research; clinical studies;  basic research