

作者:孙梦晓 来源:本站原创 点击:3938次 更新:2018-08-21

闫泓池1 陶星2 马铁明13  白增华3 郭秀婷4



关键词:坐骨神经损伤;深刺;环跳穴; 细胞凋亡;PI3K-AKT

Abstract: Purpose: Discussing that deep insertion the acupuncture point- Huantiao has an effect on repairing the rat’s nervi ischiadicus by activation PI3K/AKT signaling pathway to affect the antiapoptosis. Method: Choosing SPF-SD rats, divided 48 into 4 groups randomly: blank group, model group, deep insertion group and shallow insertion group, each group with 12 rats. The nerve chronic damage model of the rat’s nervi ischiadicus is established by the silicone tube extrusion. With the ultrasonographic, Observing the nerve impulses which is caused by the needlepoint touching the nerve stem because being guided by the high frequency ultrasound, the deep insertion rats’ Huantiao are needled to the nervi ischiadicus. By the same way, the shallow insertion rats’ are needled with 5mm and the needlepoint doesn’t touch the nerve stem and be treated by the electric acupuncture.The rat’s nervi ischiadicus function index is detected by SFI. The velocity of the motor nerve conduction is detected cal by the nerve electrophysiological examination. The rat’s nervi ischiadicus pathological form change is detected by HE staining. The rat’s cell apoptosis is detected by TUNEL. The rat’s the expression of PI3K, AKT and Bcl-2 in L4 - L5 segmental spinal cord is detected by immunohistochemical method. Result: SFI: the model group is lower than the blank group(P<0.05), the deep and the shallow insertion groups are higher than the model group(P<0.05), the deep insertion group is higher than the shallow insertion group. The nerve electrophysiological examination: the model group is lower than the blank group(P<0.05), the deep and the shallow insertion groups are higher than the model group(P<0.05), the deep insertion group is higher than the shallow insertion group(P<0.05).  HE staining: The model group rats’ nerve fibers are mixed and disorderly and the medullary sheath becomes Valle degenerescence and has more schwann cells. But being treated by the acupuncture, these conditions get better and has some new nerve fibers. The deep insertion group is better than the shallow insertion group.TUNEL: The model group is higher than the blank group(P<0.05), the deep and the shallow insertion groups are lower than the model group(P<0.05), the deep insertion group is lower than the shallow insertion group(P<0.05).The immunohistochemical method:The model group is higher than the blank group(P<0.05), the deep and the shallow insertion groups are higher than the model group(P<0.05), the deep insertion group is higher than the shallow insertion group(P<0.05). Conclusion: Deep insertion the acupuncture point- Huantiao could inhibit the apoptosis of nerve cell of the rat’s nervi ischiadicus by activation PI3K/AKT signaling pathway by needling the HuanTiao.

       坐骨神经损伤的再生修复一直被医学界认为是较棘手的问题 [1]。随着运用细胞分子生物学技术对雪旺细胞[2]、神经营养因子、成纤维细胞生长因子等[3-4]的深入的研究,使得坐骨神经损伤再生修复的机制研究得到了飞速的发展。坐骨神经轴突损伤后引发神经元细胞凋亡,从而抑制周围神经损伤的修复[5-6]。如何抑制神经元细胞的凋亡,重新激活神经的自我再生能力,是基础研究和临床治疗的热点和难点[7-10]。运用中医针灸治疗周围神经损伤经过大量的临床和实验研究,已被证明是一种行之有效的方法[11-15]。  


      本课题组前期围绕与细胞凋亡和生长密切相关的几个分子物质进行了深刺“环跳”穴治疗坐骨神经损伤的相关作用机制研究。结果表明,针刺对坐骨神经损伤大鼠脊髓病理形态学变化有明显改善作用, 能提高神经干电活动指数;电针刺激"环跳"穴下方不同深度的组织可以不同程度提高损伤部位抗凋亡基因 Bcl-2 的表达,并减少促凋亡基因 Bax 的表达[18];下调坐骨神经损伤大鼠L4-L5脊髓p-JNK和p-c-jun表达水平,抑制JNK信号转导通路激活,保护神经元细胞[19];增加修复损伤神经物质NGF蛋白的表达,调节Fos蛋白水平[20]。这些可能是环跳穴深刺触及神经干疗效优于浅刺非神经干肌肉层的机制之一。本实验依靠高频小动物超声仪,对针刺深度进行可视性精确定位,以针尖触及穴下神经干引发强烈的神经冲动为针刺深度标准,从细胞凋亡相关的PI3K-AKT信号通路角度进一步探讨“环跳“穴”不同针刺深度对治疗效果的影响及其机制。

1 材料与方法

1.1 动物及分组


1.2 主要试剂和仪器

       苏木素伊红(HE)染色试剂盒、PI3K兔多抗、AKT兔多抗、免疫组化试剂盒(武汉博士德生物工程有限公司),原位末端标记(TUNEL)试剂盒(Promega公司),Vevo2100高分辨率小动物超声影像系统(加拿大 Visual Sonics公司),BL-420 生物技能实验系统(成都泰盟电子有限公司),“华佗牌”毫针0.3 mm×15 mm及SDZ-Ⅱ型电子针疗仪(苏州针灸用品厂),Meta Morph显微图像分析系统(日本Olympus),SRGSD荧光显微镜(德国LEICA),BX41 型数码显微镜(日本Olympus ),RM2235 型切片机(德国LEICA),长5mm、内管直径1.0mm、外管直径2.0mm的硅胶管(河北宝瑞橡胶制品有限公司)。

1.3 动物分组处理



深刺组:造模第15d起,将大鼠固定于大鼠固定器上,参照《实验针灸学》常用动物穴位定位法[23]取“环跳”穴(左后肢股骨大转子与尾骨、髂骨结合部连线外1/3与内2/3的交点处),以毫针针刺,(如图1所示:在小动物超声影像的引导下,黄色粗箭头为硅胶管卡压坐骨神经位置,黄色细箭头为超声引导下针刺位置),在高频小动物超声下观察到针尖触及坐骨神经干的瞬间,神经干出现抽动,此时记录的针刺深度为12-14mm(见图1)。连接电针治疗仪的一极,另外一极以医用胶布绑定于鼠尾制成无关电极。采用疏密波,频率为2/100Hz,电流约1mA,电针15 min,每日1 次,连续治疗14d。



1.4 造模成功的标准


1.5 观察指标及方法

1.5.1 坐骨神经功能指数

参照Bain JR和Oliveira EF等人[24-25]方法,分别于造模第14、28d测量。自制大鼠足印行走箱,长60cm,宽10cm,高15cm,箱底放置同等长度和宽度的白纸,通道远端放置一个鼠箱,一侧开门。SFI测定前,确保大鼠足印行走箱内部黑暗环境。测定前先用碳素墨水刷染大鼠双后足,将大鼠置于行走箱起始端,使其向远端行走,清晰记录大鼠双后足足印6-7个,计算时取其均值(见图2)。等待含有足印的纸条晾干,用高分辨率扫描仪复制印记并在计算机上存储。选实验侧(左侧)足底印记(E)、正常侧(右侧)足底印记(N),足印测定3个变量(见图2):足印长度(PL)、足趾宽度(TS)、中间足趾距离(IT),每组数据测量精确到毫米,测得数据代入Bain公式,计算各组大鼠SFI:

SFI=-38.3(EPL-NPL)/NPL+109.5(ETS-NTS)/NTS +13.3 (EIT-NIT)/NIT-8.8。SFI=0为正常,SFI=-100为神经完全离断损伤。



1.5.2 运动神经传导速度


1.5.3 取材过程

       末次针刺后,称量大鼠体重,采用过量麻醉法处死大鼠,依次取损伤处坐骨神经、L4-L5背根神经节。参照大鼠造模方法,将大鼠俯卧位固定于手术台上,在左下肢大腿股骨中点0.5cm处,与坐骨神经走行方向平行,用手术剪剪开皮肤切口长约1cm,将下肢肌肉经肌间钝性分离,暴露并游离出坐骨神经,截取损伤处上下共约1cm坐骨神经。然后再将大鼠背部正中皮肤和肌肉纵向切开并剥离,分离肌肉组织,暴露椎管,截取L4-L5背根神经节。各组大鼠随机抽取6例样本浸泡于4% 多聚甲醛溶液中固定,4℃保存用于本研究指标检测。其余样本冻存于-80℃冰箱中用于其他实验检测。

1.5.4 坐骨神经病理形态学观察


1.5.5 TUNEL法检测坐骨神经细胞凋亡

将石蜡切片常规脱蜡后,用双蒸水、0.05mol/L PBS (pH7.6)冲洗;用20mg/L蛋白酶K 37℃水浴槽内消化30min,用PBS冲洗;室温下放置10min,每张切片滴加TUNEL反应液50μL (TdT酶溶液和地高辛标记的核苷酸混合物溶液于使用前按比例混合),置于37℃湿盒中孵育60min;室温下终止反应,PBS冲洗后碱性磷酸酶转换液37℃孵育30min;PBS冲洗后加NBT + BCIP,显色5~30min;冲洗、透明、封片。荧光显微镜下计数凋亡细胞。


取出固定好的背根神经节用梯度浓度的乙醇进行脱水,二甲苯中透明, 浸蜡、包埋、切片,切片厚度4-5μm,然后进行脱蜡,按照免疫组化检测试剂盒说明进行操作,透明、封片后选择染色良好区域,应用显微图像分析系统,每只大鼠观察3张切片,每张切片选取5个互不重叠视野,测定单位面积阳性细胞表达的光密度值,取平均值。


    所有数据采用SPSS 17.0 软件进行统计学处理,结果以均数±标准差(±S)表示,多组间比较采用方差分析,组间比较若方差齐选用LSD 法,方差不齐选用非参数检验,p<0.05 为差异有统计学意义的标准。

2 结果

2.1 坐骨神经功能指数




Fig 1   Effect of deep and shallow stab stimulation of“Huantiao" (GB 30) on the SFI of the injured sciatic nerve in rats

Upper panel:examples of the SFI of the sciatic nerve in the groups showing increases of SFI following EA intervention compared to the model group; Lower panel:comparison of the SFI of the sciatic nerve in rats of the normal,model,deep EA and shallow EA groups

2.2 神经电生理观察




Fig 2   Effect of deep and shallow stab stimulation of“Huantiao" (GB 30) on the MNCV of the injured sciatic nerve in rats

Upper panel: examples of the MNCV of the sciatic nerve in the groups showing increases of MNCV following EA intervention compared to the model group; Lower panel:comparison of the MNCV of the sciatic nerve in rats of the normal,model,deep EA and shallow EA groups

2.3 各组大鼠坐骨神经HE染色观察



Fig 3   Pathological changes of the damaged sciatic nerve shown by HE staining in different groups(X400)

In the model group, tissues surrounding the damaged nerve showed obvious inflammatory cell infiltration, proliferation of Schwann cells(indicated by black arrowheads),disorganized nerve fibers and axons (yellow arrowheads).

2.4 各组大鼠坐骨神经损伤处凋亡细胞计数




图4  各组大鼠神经细胞凋亡计数

Fig 4   Effect of deep and shallow stab stimulation of“Huantiao" (GB 30) on the count of cell apoptosis of the injured sciatic nerve in rats.

Upper panel:photos of stain showing the count of cell apoptosis of the sciatic nerve in the normal,model,deep EA and shallow EA groups(X 200);Lower panel:bar graphs showing the expression levels of the count of cell apoptosis of the sciatic nerve in each group (x±s,12 rats/group).

△P<0.05,与正常组比较(vs the normal group); #P<0.05,与模型组比较(vs the model group); ○P<0.05,与浅刺组比较(vs the shallow EA group).





Fig 5  Effect of EA stimulation of GB 30 on AKT immunoactivity of the injured sciatic nerve in rats

Upper panel:photos of immunohistochcmical stain showing the expression of AKT of the sciatic nerve in the normal,model,deep EA and shallow EA groups(X 400);Lower panel:bar graphs showing the expression levels of AKT of the sciatic nerve in each group (x±s,12 rats/group).△P<0.05,与正常组比较(vs the normal group); #P<0.05,与模型组比较(vs the model group); ○P<0.05,与浅刺组比较(vs the shallow EA group).





Fig 6  Effect of EA stimulation of GB 30 on PI3K immunoactivity of the injured sciatic nerve in rats

Upper panel:photos of immunohistochcmical stain showing the expression of PI3K of the sciatic nerve in the normal,model,deep EA and shallow EA groups(X 400);Lower panel:bar graphs showing the expression levels of PI3K of the sciatic nerve in each group (x±s,12 rats/group).

△P<0.05,与正常组比较(vs the normal group); #P<0.05,与模型组比较(vs the model group); ○P<0.05,与浅刺组比较(vs the shallow EA group).

3 讨论







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