1.人类卫生健康共同体 a global community of health for all 2.全球团结抗疫 global cooperation against Covid-19 3.共筑多重抗疫防线 building a multi-layered defense against Covid-19 4.弥合疫苗鸿沟 closing the vaccine gap 5.外防输入、内防反弹 preventing both inbound cases and domestic resurgence 6.缩小免疫鸿沟 narrowing the immunization gap 7.中医抗疫 the role of TCM in the fight against Covid-19 8.一人一策、一人一方 personalized diagnosis and treatment 9.人民至上、生命至上 (1) putting people and lives first (2) putting people and lives above everything else 中医药抗疫术语 10.辨证论治 treatment based on pattern differentiation 11.三因制宜 considering factors of seasons, environment and body constitution in treating diseases 12.治未病 preventing the occurrence, development and recurrence of disease 13.三药三方 (1) three TCM drugs and three herbal formulas (2) three finished drugs and three herbal formulas 14.熏蒸预防法 moxa fumigation for prevention 15.滴喷预防法 nasal or oral spray for prevention 16.艾灸疗法 moxibustion therapy 17.推拿 tuina 18.针刺疗法 acupuncture therapy 19.情志疗法 emotion adjustment therapy 20.五行音乐法 music therapy based on the theory of the five elements 21.呼吸疗愈法 breathing therapy 22.和解少阳 harmonizing the Shaoyang Meridian 23.固护元气 preserving original qi 24.肺脾气虚证 lung and spleen qi deficiency pattern 25.气阴两虚证 qi and yin deficiency pattern 26.补气健脾 replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen 27.补中益气 replenishing the spleen and stomach qi 28.益气养阴 replenishing qi and nourishing yin 29.寒湿郁肺证 cold-dampness stagnating in the lung pattern 30.湿热蕴肺证 dampness-heat accumulating in the lung pattern 31.湿毒郁肺证 dampness-toxins stagnating in the lung pattern 32.寒湿阻肺证 cold-dampness obstructing the lung pattern 33.疫毒闭肺证 epidemic toxins blocking the lung pattern 34.化湿败毒方 dampness-resolving and detoxifying preparation 35.气营两燔证 intense heat in both qi and ying phases pattern 36.内闭外脱证 internal block and external collapse pattern