

作者:世界针联 来源:世界针联 点击:1916次 更新:2024-01-10




  (一) 视频内容(2分钟以内)





  1. 舞蹈类:各类型舞蹈,人数不限,多人最佳

  2. 歌曲类:多人的各类演唱形式及器乐伴唱、歌伴舞等

  3. 语言类:小品、相声、诗朗诵、脱口秀等

  4. 其他:模仿秀、T台秀、视频配音以及vlog等其他形式的创新节目等


  1. 节目需积极向上,形式多样、能够渲染氛围,可结合时下流行及晚会主题

  2. 形式不限,可进行自由创作

  3. 演出所需道具、服装、伴奏等需自行准备

  4. 组织方将根据本次活动整体格调对申报的节目视频进行甄选及整体编导


  1. 请横屏录制,舞蹈、歌曲类单个节目时长不超5分钟,其他节目控制在8分钟之内,视频格式为MP4,画面质量为高清(尽量在1080p以上)画面稳定,无杂音。

  2. 请于2024年1月20日前提交视频及节目报名表,提交方式为:



  (3)可使用百度网盘(Baidu Netdisk)分享视频,不推荐Google Drive、OneDrive和Dropbox



  乔慧珺 010-87194966  孙梦晓 010-87194972




Notice on Holding the 2024 Online Spring Festival Gala and Call for Performance Videos of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies

The 78th UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution by consensus to list the Lunar New Year as a UN floating holiday. On the occasion of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) will hold the 2024 Online Spring Festival Gala. We sincerely invite colleagues of TCM acupuncture and moxibustion in different associations in the world who care about the cause of TCM acupuncture and moxibustion to gather together to show the world the unique charm of TCM acupuncture and moxibustion and the spirit of the world’s traditional medical colleagues. Let’s celebrate the 2024 Spring Festival together!

I.Deadline of video submission: January 20th, 2024

II.New Year Greetings

1.The content of the video (within 2 minutes)

Representatives of the associations participating in the greeting video briefly summarize the responsibilities of the association, contributions and achievements in the development of TCM acupuncture industry, introduce the work in 2023 and the outlook for 2024, and send New Year greetings to TCM workers all over the world.


Well-known experts of TCM acupuncture and moxibustion, overseas vice president and executive committee member of WFAS, experts who have made outstanding achievements overseas, experts of working committee of WFAS, entrepreneurs, and presidents of member societies.

III. Art and cultural Programs:

(1)Dance: for all types of dances, there is no limit to the number of people, and group dances are preferred.

(2)Song: various singing forms including chorus, song with instrumental accompaniment, song and dance, etc.

(3)Language: sketch comedy, crosstalk, poetry reading, talk show, etc.

(4)Others: imitation show, model show, video dubbing, vlog and other forms of innovative programs. 

IV. Requirements for performance:

1.The content of performance should be positive, which may vary but should be able to render atmosphere, and may involve recent fashion, hotspots and theme

2. There is no limit to the forms of presenting.

3. Sketches, costumes and accompaniment required for the performance shall be prepared by yourself.

4. The organizer will select, edit and direct the declared performance videos based on the overall theme and style of the whole event.

V Requirements for video and submission:

1. Please record the video in landscape (horizontal) mode. The length of a single dance or song performance shall be no longer than 5 minutes, and other types of performance shall be within 8 minutes. The video shall be in MP4 format with stable, high definition pictures (1080p or above) and be free of noise.

2. Please submit the video and performance information form before January 20th, 2024 by:

(1)Send the video as an attachment to (size of video shall be within 2G)

(2)Wetransfer is recommended (, please send to 

(3)You may use Baidu netdisk to share videos. Google drive, Onedrive or Dropbox is not recommended.

(4)Performance information form includes: type of performance, name of performance, length of video, artist(s)/performer(s), contact person and means, organization/institution, and a short description of performance.

VI Contacts: 

Qiao Huijun 010-87194966 Sun Mengxiao 010-87194972

The Secretariat of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies

click here to download the performance information form
