

作者:孙梦晓 来源:本站原创 点击:3016次 更新:2018-12-19

张荆柳1,罗声2,王海娟2 ,钟 玲2 ,谢燕和2



Study on the Strengthing Yan effect of the Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion

Jingliu ZHANG1,Shengshui LUO2,Haijuan WANG2, Ling ZHONG2,Yanhe XIE2

Abstract:By exploring the strengthing yan effect of the Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion ,broaden and develop the connotation of Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion,in order to provide a useful reference for improving the Zhuang medicine mdicated thread moxibustion.

Keywords:Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion;strengthing yan


1 壮医药线点灸疗法



















3 壮医药线点灸功能特性体现扶阳















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Study on theEffects ofStrengthening Yang of the Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion

JingliuZhang,ShengshuiLuo,Haijuan Wang, Ling Zhong,YanheXie

Abstract:Tobroaden and develop the connotation of Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion to provide a useful reference for improving the Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion by exploring theeffects ofstrengthening yang of the Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion, 

Key words:Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion;Strengthening Yang

Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion is a unique therapy for Zhuang Medicine. Given its effects of Tongbi, anti-inflammatory, detumescence, pain relief, and itching relief, this therapy is widely used to cure diseases in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, ENT and other departments. Nevertheless, its Strengthening Yang effect is little known. In view of this, this paper will probe into the Strengthening Yang effect of the Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion.

1. Therapy of Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion

1.1 Theoretical Basis

Zhuang Medicine is a vital part of traditional Chinese medicine, which is an experience summary of Zhuang people’s long-term struggle against diseases. With unique theories, rich connotation, distinctive characteristics of treatmentand pharmacy, as well as explicit curative effect, this therapy has played an important role in the history of traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Huang Hanru, a famous expert of Zhuang Medicine in China, once put forward the view in the book TheBasic Theory System of Zhuang Medicine that Zhuang Medicine is based on Yin and Yang, which is specifically embodied by the following two aspects:

1.1.1Understanding of Disease Syndrome

Zhuang Medicine believes that disease only contains two kinds of disease syndromes- “Yang Syndrome”and“YinSyndrome”. Clinical symptoms manifested as heat syndrome,evidence syndrome is mostly 

Yang Syndrome and cold syndrome, deficiency syndrome is mostly Yin Syndrome.Zhuang Medicinedifferentiates Yin and Yangsyndromesclinically, which is helpful to predict the prognosis of disease. If the disease syndrome transforms from Yin to Yang, it can be predicted that the patient’s condition tends to improve or heal. Contrarily, if the disease syndrome transforms from Yang to Yin, it is suggested that patient’s condition tends to deteriorate, mostly for poor results of the treatment. [1] Therefore, the Yin and Yang differentiationof disease is an indispensable link in the process of diseasediagnosis in Zhuang Medicine.

1.1.2Understanding of Pathogenesis

Zhuang Medicine is based on Yin and Yang,and it considers that disease is caused as a result of the disequilibriumbetween Qi and blood. In a word,“Illness is not a fabrication, but it is due to disequilibrium betweenQi and blood’’.Qi is Yang, and blood is Yin. When the external evil elements attack the body,its positive elements fight againstthem,which causes Qi and blood functions disorderof the viscera of the body. Eventually itleads to the imbalance betweenYin and Yang. In short, the imbalance of Yin and Yang is the fundamental factor accounting for the occurrence and development of disease.[2]

1.2 Definition

Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion belongs to the external therapy of Zhuang Medicine feature, which is one of the significant ways of the clinicalprecaution and treatment of disease of Zhuang Medicine. It has been a hundred-year history since the formation and development of Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion. It has an excessively wide scope of application and is effective for the treatment of cold, fever, swell, pain, paralysis and itchmanifested in the diseases of internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, ENT and other departments, which is characterized by convenience, cheapness, swiftness and safety. [3]

Under the guidance ofZhuang Medicine theories, Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion means by selecting ramie threads which have been processed by Zhuang Medicines, and then sparking one end by lights, swiftly and astutelyauterizing directly the charcoal fire on the acupuncture points or positions by the time theramie threads form into ballpointcharcoal fire, reaching the goal of swiftness, steadiness, accurateness and lightness.[4]

Zhuang Medicineemphasizes the standpoint that Yin and Yang are essential, and as one of the external therapies of Zhuang Medicine features, Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion is regarded as of some regulation functions for keeping the balance between Yin and Yang in human body.

2. Theory of Strengthening Yang

2.1Ideological Origin

The ideology of Strengthening Yang can be dated from classic works such as Book of Changes and The Yellow Emperor’s Canon. The viewpoint about the relationship between Yin and Yang that Yang is superior to Yin is discussedat great length in Book of Changes.For instance,it is mentioned in the openings that the hexagram capable of creating a living is Qian while the one keeping the development is Kun. And then it is also mentioned that “...the relationship of Qian and Kun is confirmed by Heaven’s being noble and Earth’s being humble......”and“...Qian is for originating while Kun is for developing...”. Qian is equal to Yang and Kun is equal to Yin. Yang is the source of all things and the root of hospice, which is superordinate and reveals its leadership of everything in the universe happening, developing and changing.Whereas Yin is subordinate and suggests the thought of Strengthening Yang. [5] It’s believed in the Yellow Emperor’s Canon that Yang runs through the activities of the human body and is the most vital thing in the human body’s functional activities. And one’s sufferance of birth, growth, oldness and death in his life are all connected with Yang, so treatment and prevention of disease can be achieved by Strengthening Yang. [6]As is said in “Su Wen • Angry Heaven”, “...the Yang of the human body is as important as the sun in the sky. If the Yang loses its normal position and cannot play its important role, people will lose their life or die, and their vital functions will be weak. Therefore, the normal operation of the celestial body is manifested by the general illumination of the sun, and the Yang of the person should also be on the outside, and protect the body against evil spirits...” and “...the key point of Yin and Yang is reinforcing Yang.”

2.2The Meaning of Strengthening Yang

Lu Zhuzhi once said in his book The Circulation of Yang Qi, “Yang Qi, is the origin of blood and fluid, and the root of one’s life.” Lu believed that Yang Qi is the most basic substance that constitutes and sustains the life activities of human bodies, which is the foundation of human beings. [7] Yang Qi decides the condition of ourbody. When it is sufficient, one can keep fit, otherwise, diseases will invade. Just as Dou Cai, the prominent doctor in Song Dynasty once said in Bian Que’s Book about Hearts, “Zhen Yuan is the master factor of our body. More it is, more powerful we are; less it is, more weak we will be; and one cannot survive once there is no Zhen Yuan in his body.” Here Zhen Yuan actually refers to Yang Qi. [8] The theories above indicate that during the process of prevention and treatment of disease, we must remember to keep Yang Qi and attach great importance to it constantly. Thus we can regain our health and return to the normal condition of “the balance of Yin and Yang”.

2.3 The necessity of Strengthening Yang

With the development of the society, people are enabled to live a better life with more material wealth. In that case, however, “Yin” has not been diminished while “Yang”, which is required to consume these material energies, is at an increasing loss. [9] Meanwhile, the pace of life is quickening and we are under greater pressure. As a result, Yang Qi is badly damaged and this will cause our suffering from excessive internal heat. So we must keep regular exercise to restore Yang Qi. [10] Additionally, most of contemporary Chinese traditional doctors have been influenced by western medicine, cannot distinguish Yin and Yang, neglecting the traditional theories, and even abuse anti-cold and heat-clearing electuary, hormone and antibiotic as well. All those drastic medicines will hurt Yang Qi in our body. [11]Professor Zhang Cunti summed up the causes of human Yang Qi damage to the following aspects: (1) There are still many people suffering with cold body. (2) The Westernization of Chinese traditional medicine. (3) The influence of seasonal febrile diseases’ theory. (4) The abuse of anti-cold and heat-clearing electuary. (5) Without the guidance of traditional books as well as clear distinction between Yin and Yang. (6) Excessive tiredness. (7) Excessive sexual behaviors. (8) Insufficient sleep. (9) The abuse of antibiotic and hormone. (10) Chronic diseasesmainly caused by the lack of Yang Qi. [12-13]

To sum up, the basic situation of modern disease is “excessive Yin causing Yang deficiency”, so Strengthening Yang is the solution for the source of disease. According to this, we can predict that using Strengthening Yang to treat the modern disease is imperative.

3 The Strengthening Yang reflected in the functionality of Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion

In the book Bian Que’s Book about Hearts ,which is written by the Song medical scientist, three ways are put up to strengthen Yang. That’s to say,“First, burning wormwood, second using Dan medicine, third is monkshood”. This shows that moxibustion is the first option for Strengthening Yang. [14] Traditional Chinese medicine believes moxibustion can warm the meridian and unchoke the venation,eliminate the formation, encourage the healthy Qi of body, and enhance the ability to withstand illness. Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion belongs to the moxibustion, which uses the warm, pesticide effect and the stimulation of cortex-venation-meridian-viscera to motivate channel qi and to improve the movement of qi and blood as well as to develop the function of warming the viscera Yang Qi . All this is for preventing and curing disease. [15-16]In this sense, the Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion is the Strengthening Yang therapy.

With the constant progress of medicine, the descendants brought forth and push forward Strengthening YangMethod on the basis of the efforts of their ancestors. Zhang Jiebin, a medical scientist of the Ming Dynasty, who enriched Strengthening YangMethod theoretically and clinically, held the view that deficiency of Qi, deficiency of Yang, decline of vital gate fire were the same kinds of diseases, which were tightly correlated. He alsoattributed tonifying Qi, warming Yang and benefiting fire to the acupoints of Strengthening Yang, such as Fan point, Guanyuan point andTsusanli point. For those who were of Qi deficiency, the acupuncture points of Hsinshu, Fei shu, Kan shu and Pishu were chosen. Therecuperative medical care efficiencywas evaluated byCornell Medical Scale, and the result shows that Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion can effectively improve the sub-health status of those who are of deficiency of Yang. [18-19] The occurrence of chilblainswere not only caused bycold-pathogen, but also were tightly related to patients who were of innate deficiency of Yang in the body. Song Ning used Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion to acupuncture the Meihua acupoint, Middle Part of Gastric Cavity, Feiyu and tsusanli points to treat chilblain patients, and the result showed that the total effective rate reached 100%, while the recovery rate reached 83.6%, proving to be of notableclinical effect. [20] Huang Jinming confirmed that Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustionhas the function of enhancingimmune function by observing the effect of Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion to mice abdominalmacrophages’ functions of devouring chicken red blood cells. The mechanism of actionmight be activating neuroendocrine system to adjust immune reaction through local stimulation, and eventually promote disease prognosis. [21-22] From the perspective of clinical application of Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion and its mechanism of action, it can be seen that Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion shows functions of Strengthening Yang.

4. Epilogue

According to the exploration, we find that Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustionis of specificStrengthening Yangfunction, which can effectively cure diseases ofQi and Yang deficiency. It is convenient to draw materials and easy for application. It is safe and effective,economical and affordable, as well as without the setback of intoxication brought by excessive ginger utilization.Patients can more easily accept the therapy, while doctors can easily master it. Allthese prove that Zhuang Medicine Medicated Thread Moxibustion is worthy of beingpopularizedclinically.


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