

作者:孙梦晓 来源:本站原创 点击:2169次 更新:2018-08-22

南云三枝子Mieko Nagumo1, 和辻直Tadashi Watsuji2,3

1南云针灸诊所,北海道0030021,日本; 2日本传统针灸学会学术部,东京医疗专科学校,东京1600008,日本; 3明治国际医疗大学大学院针灸学研究生学科传统针灸学专业,京都6290392,日本

1 Nagumo Acupuncture & Moxibustion Clinic, Hokkaido 0030021, Japan; 2 Academic Department, The Japan Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society,Tokyo Medical Vocational College,Tokyo1600008,Japan; 3 Field of Traditional acupuncture and moxibustion, Graduate School of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Meiji University of Integrative Medicine,Kyoto 6290392,Japan



Key words:Acupuncture, Facial paralysis, Trigeminal neuralgia, Filiform needles


1)北出利胜. 周围性面神经麻痺③针灸治疗的实况[C]//森本昌宏编集.疼痛门诊和东洋医学.日本:真兴交易株式会社医书出版部,2004:684-689.







8)向野义人.对面神经麻痺进行针灸的医疗方法[J]. Facial N Res Jpn,2010,30:25-28.


Presenter Biography: Mieko Nagumo. Born on March 26, 1948.Female. The president of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Nagumo Clinic.

Graduated from the Acupuncture & Moxibustion Department, Toyo Acupuncture Vocational school in Tokyo,1969. The president of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Nagumo Clinic in Sapporo from 1974.

Nagumo Acupuncture & Moxibustion Clinic: 17-11-15 Sakaedori Siroishi-ku Sapporo-shi Hokkaido 003-0021 JAPAN.

Title:A case of acupuncture for facial paralysis following trigeminal neuralgia

Mieko Nagumo1,Tadashi Watsuji2,3

1 Nagumo Acupuncture & Moxibustion Clinic, Hokkaido 0030021, Japan; 2 Academic Department, The Japan Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society,Tokyo Medical Vocational College,Tokyo1600008,Japan; 3 Field of Traditional acupuncture and moxibustion, Graduate School of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Meiji University of Integrative Medicine,Kyoto 6290392,Japan

Abstract: Background and Objective:There are few reports of peripheral facial paralysis accompanied by pain. We report a case in which acupuncture improved peripheral facial paralysis occurring after trigeminal neuralgia following herpes infection of nasal mucosa.Patient: A 66-year-old woman.Initial consultation:December 1,201X-1.Chief complaint:Inability to close right eye. Stiff sensation in face (R), difficulty opening mouth, inability to gargle.Facial pain (R) (eyebrow, nose, temple, around ear). Past history:27-years; herpes zoster on neck (R), 52-years; facial paralysis (L). Present illness:October, 201X-1; chronic bronchial asthma interrupting sleep. November 12; ENT examination for severe pain in ear and temporal region (R). Diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia induced by herpes infection in inner nasal mucosa (R), and antiviral administered. No tinnitus or hearing difficulty, no blisters at ear hole. November 20: difficulty closing eye (R) and facial stiffness on waking. Examined by neurosurgeon after seeing facial distortion in mirror. Steroid, vitamin B12, and peripheral circulation improver administered (2-weeks regular clinic treatment). Findings:Unable to close eye (R), unable to raise eyebrows, distinct asymmetry of mouth corner movement, and overall impression of obvious paralysis with clear L/R difference. Facial tenderness (R)(++) Treatment:To improve circulation in mimetic muscles, relieve trigeminal nerve pain, and alleviate neck/shoulder muscle tension, needles retained for 10-minutes at TE17, GB2, ST7, ST4, LI20, BL2, GB9, CV24, GB12, GB21, LI4, and ST36. Treated 43-times to October 18, 201X. Treatment using Japanese-made filiform needles:0.12mmΦ (diameter) ×30 mm H(height)and Pyonex0.2mm Φ x 0.6mm H(Seirin Corporation, Japan).Course:Trigeminal neuralgia NRS (Numerical Rating Scale) improved from 10 to 2 (Before: 10, Painless: 0). Able to close eye (R). Able to puff up cheeks, purse lips, and drink with straw. No facial spasm. Tears from eye on affected side.

Discussion/Conclusion:The patient had suffered herpes zoster on the neck and facial paralysis (L) (Bell’s palsy) in the past. A possible cause of the peripheral facial paralysis was viral neuritis caused by reactivation of herpes simplex 1. We sought to improve blood flow with acupuncture and surmise it resulted in improvement of mimetic muscle (orbicularis oculi muscle, orbicularis oris muscle, etc.) function. We further surmise it had a desirable effect on the trigeminal nerve and alleviated pain. These results suggest acupuncture is useful for trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral facial paralysis.

Keyword:Acupuncture, Facial paralysis,Trigeminal neuralgia,Filiform needles


1)Morimoto M (Ed.), Pain clinic to toyo igaku (Pain clinic and Oriental medicine); Kitade T: Masshosei ganmen shinkei mahi [3]Shinkyuu chiryo no jissai (Peripheral facial paralysis[3]Acupuncture treatment facts); Shinko Trading Company Ltd. Publication Department of Medical Books2004;684-689.

2)Ogata K,Kondo H,Hanawa T et al.: Ganmentsu wo heihatsu shita masshoseiganmen shinkei mahi kanja ni taisuru shinkyu chiryou no ichishorei (A case of acupuncture for peripheral facial paralysis with concomitant facial pain); The Japanese journal of acupuncture & manual therapies2016(5)138-142.

3)Saito H,Tomita K,Okuda Yet al.: Viral etiology of idiopathic facial palsy, Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho Vol.80(1997)No8:786-794

4)Kasuya D,Yamamoto K,Tojima H et al.: Acupuncture Treatment for Peripheral Facial Paralysis. Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2002; 52 (1): 32-42.

5)Ebiko K,Tanba S,Kikkawa M et al.: Effects of Acupuncture on Refractory Bell's Paralysis and Hunt's Syndrome: Examination of 29 Patients with a Minimum ENoG of 0% and NET scale-out, Journal of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine 2009; 60: 347-355. 

6)Kasuya D:Masshosei ganmen shinkei mahi ni taisuru shinkyuu chiryo Sono 1 (Acupuncture for peripheral facial paralysis – Part 1); The Japanese journal of acupuncture & manual therapies 2009; 796: 78-85.

7)Arai C: Saitama Ika Daigaku Toyo Igaku Center ni okeru ganmen shinkei mahi ni taisuru shinkyuu chiryo (Acupuncture for peripheral facial paralysis at Saitama Medical University Oriental Medicine Center);The Japanese journal of acupuncture & manual therapies 2009; 68: 46-51.

8)Mukaino Y: Ganmen shinkei mahi ni taisuru shinkyuu igakuteki approach (Acupuncture medicine approach to peripheral facial paralysis); Facial N Res Jpn 2010; 30: 25-28.

9)Shiozawa K, Yoshimoto S,Mitsukawa N et al.:Study on the terminal branches of the facial nerve in mimetic muscles (orbicularis oculi muscle and orbicularis oris muscle); Journal of The Showa Medical Association2012; 72(6): 656-661.

Presenter Biography: Mieko Nagumo. Born on March 26, 1948.Female. The president of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Nagumo Clinic. 

Graduated from the Acupuncture & Moxibustion Department, Toyo Acupuncture Vocational school in Tokyo,1969. The president of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Nagumo Clinic in Sapporo from 1974.

Nagumo Acupuncture & Moxibustion Clinic: 17-11-15 Sakaedori Siroishi-ku Sapporo-shi Hokkaido 003-0021 JAPAN.