

作者:孙梦晓 来源:本站原创 点击:2376次 更新:2018-12-19

郝 洋, 郭盛楠1, 陈 超2,王 芳1, 李述东3, 刘炜宏1,3


摘要:目的:通过调研针灸与现行公认的有效疗法对照(包括与中西药物对照、与现代康复理疗对照)的meta分析,探讨中国期刊中针灸meta分析的现状。方法:笔者检索了2005年1月至2018年6月在中国医学期刊上发表的有关针灸治疗病症的meta分析并进行梳理。结果:检索得到346篇文章,共评价了针灸对92种疾病的临床疗效。所有的meta分析均为阳性结果。经过进一步阅读meta分析全文,发现其纳入的临床研究质量多偏低。结论:针对此种现象,笔者认为应当, 1.进一步提高针灸临床研究的质量;2.探索针灸临床操作特点和现行科研方法的合理结合方式;3.探讨针灸临床研究对照措施的设定规则;4.反思应用现行循证医学方法讨论针灸临床优势病种的合理性。5.中国科技期刊应减少发表偏倚,科学公正地发表阴性和阳性结果的meta分析文章。


Consideration about Acupuncture Meta-analysis on Chinese Journals

HAO Yang1, GUO Sheng-nan1, CHEN Chao2,WANG Fang1, LI Shu-dong3,LIU Wei-hong1,3

(1.Institute of Acupuncture-Moxibustion, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;2. Graduate School of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;3.China Academy of Acupuncture-Moxibustion,Beijing 100700, China )

Abstract: Objective: To discuss the acupuncture meta-analysis on Chinese journals through investigation about the meta-analysis of acupuncture versus generally accepted therapies (herbs, western medicine, physical therapy). Methods: Acupuncture meta-analyses on Chinese journals from January 2005 to June 2018 were retrieved and analyzed. Results: A total of 346 meta-analyses were retrieved and 92 diseases treated by acupuncture were evaluated. All the meta-analyses were positive results. Through further reading, the quality of the Randomized Controlled Trial(RCT) analyzed in the meta-analyses were poor. Conclusion: The authors believed that:1. The quality of the acupuncture RCT should be improved;2.The reasonable combination of modern scientific research method and acupuncture practice should be explored;3.The rules of control setting should be discussed;4. the rationality of the evaluation on acupuncture predominant disease with Evidence based medicine should be introspected;5.The Chinese scientific journals should avoid publication bias and the meta-analysis with both positive results and negative results should have equal chance to get published.

Keywords: Acupuncture; predominant disease; meta-analysis