

作者:佚名 来源:本站原创 点击:1745次 更新:2016-08-26

The nation’s licensed acupuncturists – currently over 30,000 in total – has finally made the grade according to a July 25, 2016 media release from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).


NCCAOM’s CEO Kory Ward-Cook, PhD, CAE expands: “Earning a distinct Standard Occupational Code for Acupuncturists is a milestone moment for the acupuncture and Oriental medicine profession. This event positions acupuncturists for a number of new opportunities.” 

国家针灸与东方医学认证委员会主席Kory Ward-Cook博士认为,针灸师取得国家职业分工标准代码,对针灸和东方医学专业来说,具有历程碑的意义,这会使针灸医师具有很多的机会。