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  <p><strong>Clinical Research<br/></strong>(1):3&nbsp; Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture in the Treat ment of Postoperative Hemiplegia<br/>BAO Fei,&nbsp; ZHANG Yunxiang&nbsp; <br/>(1):6&nbsp; Clinical Observation on 67 Cases of Vascular Headache Treated by B loodletting Plus Gatgut Embedding of Acupoint&nbsp; <br/>FAN Yuhan,&nbsp; YAO Chun&nbsp; ZEN Shaoqiu&nbsp; <br/>(2):3&nbsp; Effect of Acupuncture on Blood Flow of Vertebral and Basilar Arter ies in Stroke Patients <br/>LU Jianming, WANG Weizhi&nbsp; <br/>(2):7&nbsp; Influence of Different Needleretaining Duration on Cerebral Hemo dynamics of Cerebral Paralysis Children&nbsp; <br/>YUAN Qing, WANG Qinyu, FENG Jianqiang, et al&nbsp; <br/>(2):11&nbsp; Clinical Observation on Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation Tre ated by Traction Combined with Acupuncture&nbsp; <br/>HE Tao, HE Lan&nbsp; <br/>(2):15&nbsp; Observation on the Therapeutic Efffect of Birdpecking Moxibusti on of Specific Acupoints in the Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia&nbsp; <br/>SUN Shanbin, YANG Jun&nbsp; <br/>(3):3&nbsp; Effect of Acupuncture on Cerebral Images in Autism Children<br/>YUAN Qing, MA Ruiling, ZHANG Jiwu, et al&nbsp; <br/>(3):9&nbsp; Exploring the Mechanism of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Stroke&nbsp; from Changes of Glucose Metabolism in the Cerebral Motor Center&nbsp; <br/>SHE Xian, ZUO Fang, GUAN Ling&nbsp; <br/>(3):13&nbsp; Effect of Electroscalp Acupuncture on Glucose Metabolism of the Cerebral Regions Involving Mental Activity in Healthy People&nbsp; <br/>HUANG Yong, WIN Moe Htut, LI dongjiang, et al&nbsp; <br/>(3):19&nbsp; Changes of Psychological Stress State and the Effect of Acupunctu re Intervention in Armed Antiterrorism Policemen &nbsp; <br/>XU Jianyang, WANG Faqiang, LIU Qingan, et al&nbsp; <br/>(3):24&nbsp; Effect of Acupuncture Treatment on Cellular Hemorheology, Cholest erol and Triglyceride of Simple Obesity Patients&nbsp; <br/>ZHAO Ningxia, GUO Ruilin, REN Qinyou, et al&nbsp; <br/>(4):12&nbsp; Observation on the Effect of Moxibustion on Hyperbilirubinemia in&nbsp; Hepatitis B Type Cirrhosis Patients <br/>CHENG Jingjun,&nbsp; SUN Guojie&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>(4):16&nbsp; Treatment of 100 Cases of Acute Urticaria with Electroacupuncture<br/>ZHONG Hong,&nbsp; WU Zheli&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>(4):20&nbsp; A Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Cervical Spondylopathy of Nerve Root Type Treated by Combined Cervical Traction and Electroacupuncture <br/>HE Tao,&nbsp; HE Lan&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><span style="color:#333333"><strong>Experimental Research</strong><br/>(1):10&nbsp; Effect of Herbmedicinecakeseparated Moxibustion on Serum Li poprotein Contents in Hyperlipemia Rabbits&nbsp; <br/>YAN Jie&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CHANG Xiaorong&nbsp; YUE Zenghui, et al&nbsp; <br/>(1):14&nbsp; Effect of Herbmedicinecakeseparated Moxibustion on Serum Li poprotein Contents and Ratio of HDLCh and LDLCh in Hyperlipemia Rabbits <br/>CHANG Xiaorong,&nbsp; YAN Jie,&nbsp; YUE Zenghui, et al&nbsp; <br/>(2):21&nbsp; Effect of Electroacupuncture on Cerebral Blood Flow, VIP and ET in Rats with Vascular Dementia  <br/>SHEN Guoming, XU Ying, HE Feng, XU Guan?sun&nbsp; <br/>(3):28&nbsp; Effect of Electroacupuncture on Plasma Angiotensinaldosterone&nbsp; and Atrial Natriuretic Polypeptide in Rabbits with Acute Cerebral Infarction&nbsp;&nbsp; WU Xuping, WANG Shuju, LIU Ling, et al&nbsp;  <br/>(3):33&nbsp; Effect of Electroacupuncture on Synaptic Plasticity of Hippocamp al Neurons in Cerebral Ischemia Rats&nbsp; <br/>YANG Zhuoxin, YU Haibo, WANG Ling, et al&nbsp; <br/>(4):24&nbsp; Effect of Electroacupuncture on Norepinephrine Level and Apoptosis in Cerebral Cortex Tissue in Rats with Cerebral IschemiaReperfusion <br/>Zou Xiaojing,&nbsp; SHI Jing,&nbsp; LIU Jing, et al&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>(4):33&nbsp; Effect of Electroacupuncture of Scalppoints on Abnormal Dischar ges of Neurons around the Cerebral Hemorrhage Focus in the Rat <br/>DONG Hongsheng,&nbsp; DONG Guirong,&nbsp; BAI Yan&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>(4):41&nbsp; Effects of Herbal Cakeseparated Moxibustion on Blood Lipids, Plasma Thromoxane B2 and 6KetoProstaglandin F1α Contents in the Rabbit with Hyperlipemia <br/>SHEN Jing,&nbsp; CHANG Xiaorong,&nbsp; YAN Jie, et al&nbsp;&nbsp;  </span></p><p><br/></p><p><strong>Clinical Report</strong><br/>(1):18&nbsp; Role of Aculaser Therapy in Cerebral Palsy Childern Shahzad Anwar,&nbsp; Malik Mohammad Nadeem Khan,&nbsp; Imtiaz Ahmed,et al&nbsp;&nbsp; (1):26&nbsp; Treatment of 18 Cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia with Elongated Needle&nbsp; <br/>LI Jianlan,&nbsp; YAN Wei,&nbsp; YUE Rengli&nbsp; <br/>(1):30&nbsp; Shallow Needling Used for the Treatment of 35 Cases of Facial Spasm&nbsp; <br/>SUN Jingqing,&nbsp; ZHANG Haiwen&nbsp;  <br/>(2):25&nbsp; Clinical Observation on Stageaided Treatment of 62 Cases of Peripheral Facial Paralysis with Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Cupping&nbsp; <br/>LIU Yijun, ZHOU Youlong&nbsp; <br/>(2):29&nbsp; Treatment of 36 Cases of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis Mainly by Contralateral Needling&nbsp; WU Jiaping, HAN Chenzi&nbsp; <br/>(2):33&nbsp; Treatment of 70 Cases of Acute Gastroenteritis with Electroacupuncture of Main Acupoint Neiguan and Gongsun&nbsp; &nbsp; <br/>ZHONG Hong&nbsp; <br/>(3):40&nbsp; Electroacupunctur Treatment of Meniere&#39;s Disease&nbsp; <br/>HE Tao, HE Lan&nbsp; <br/>(4):47&nbsp; Treatment of 247 Cases of Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc with Comprehensive Plumblossom Magnetic Needle Therapy <br/>ZHANG Baoping,&nbsp; ZHOU Riqing,&nbsp; ZHOU Dengfang&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>(4):51&nbsp; Clinical Application of Lidui (ST 45) Bleeding Method <br/>LI Chunyan,&nbsp; WANG Jun&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/></p><p><span style="color:#333333"><strong>Review</strong><br/>(1):33&nbsp; Clinical Application of Acupuncture Therapy&nbsp; <br/>ZHANG Yuqian,&nbsp; LI Yunfang,&nbsp; WANG Tinghua&nbsp;  <br/>(1):39&nbsp; Comments on the Holistic Action of Acupuncture in View of Its Influence on Nerveendocrineimmune Network&nbsp; <br/>LIANG Fengxia&nbsp; <br/>(1):43&nbsp; Development of Clinical Studies on Acupuncture Treatment of Shoulder Pain in Patients with Wind Stroke&nbsp; <br/>SU Shengyong,&nbsp; ZHOU Enhua,&nbsp; LI Yangfan, et al&nbsp; <br/>(4):3&nbsp; Clinical Application of Neiguan (内关 PC 6) in the Treatment of Disorders of the Digestive System——the Related Research Progress <br/>WANG Shubin,&nbsp; LIU Junling&nbsp;&nbsp;  </span></p><p><br/></p><p><strong>Academic Discussion</strong><br/>(2):36&nbsp; Shortcuts to Selecting Openacupoints via Mental Arithmetic<br/>LIU Yongfeng&nbsp; <br/>(2):40&nbsp; Influence of the Five Element Theory on Acupuncturology<br/>XIA Shuwen, HU Junxia&nbsp; <br/>(2):43&nbsp; Standardization of Acumoxibustion is very Important for the Internationalization and Modernization of Acupuncturology&nbsp; <br/>ZHU Wengang, LIU Guangying, REN Lianfang&nbsp; <br/>(3):43&nbsp; Acupuncture Has the Effects of Antiinflammation and Fever Relieving&nbsp; <br/>LI Jingyun&nbsp;  <br/>(3):45&nbsp; Six Key Points for Acupuncture Treatment&nbsp; <br/>FU Wei&nbsp; <br/>(3):49&nbsp; Comments on Treatment of Obesity Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Body Fluid&nbsp; <br/>ZHANG Cairong, GUO Lixia, LI Ji, et al&nbsp; <br/>(3):52&nbsp; Application of Principle of “Prevention in Prefrence to Treatment of Diseases” in Acupuncturemoxibustion Clinic<br/>WANG Jing&nbsp; </p><p><strong>Acupuncture Education</strong><br/>(1):49&nbsp; Lecture on Acupuncture Part I Clinical Acupuncture Lecture Thirtythree&nbsp; Omalgia<br/>ZHAO Haifeng,&nbsp; DONG Hongying,&nbsp; XU Li&nbsp; <br/>(1):53&nbsp; Part II&nbsp;&nbsp; Typical Cases of Omalgia&nbsp; <br/>SHANG Xiukui,&nbsp; WANG Wei,&nbsp; PAN Xingfang&nbsp; <br/>(1):56&nbsp; Acupuncture: A Developing Science——Chapter One of International Course of Acupuncturology&nbsp; <br/>HUANG Longxiang, et al&nbsp; <br/>(2):47 Lecture on Acupuncture Part I Clinical&nbsp; Acupuncture Lecture Thirtyfour&nbsp; Urolithiasis&nbsp; <br/>PAN Xingfeng, SHANG Xiukui, WANG Wei&nbsp; <br/>(2):51&nbsp; Part II&nbsp;&nbsp; Typical Cases of Urolithiasis&nbsp; <br/>LIU Wenhong, DONG Hongying, XU Li&nbsp; <br/>(3):58&nbsp; Lecture on Acupuncture Part I&nbsp; Clinical Acupuncture Lecture Thirtyfive&nbsp; Cervical Spondylopathy<br/>LUO Ting, WANG Wei, XU Li&nbsp; <br/>(3):62&nbsp; Part II&nbsp;&nbsp; Typical Cases of Cervical Spondylopathy&nbsp; <br/>SHANG Xiukui, PAN Xingfang, DONG Hongying&nbsp; </p><p><strong>New Book Recommendation<br/></strong>(2):53&nbsp; An “Open Museum” of&nbsp; Acumoxibustion&nbsp; <br/>HUANG Longxiang</p><p><br/></p>
